SIRCA will be holding a training session at the Australian National University in Canberra on Friday July 17, 2015 commencing at 9.30am. Please contact the ANU SIRCA Representative for training room information or email for more details.
SIRCA Philip Brown Prize for 2014 Winners
This prize recognises the significant contribution Philip Brown made in the establishment of SIRCA and the work he did in developing databases used for finance and accounting research. SIRCA were honoured for Philip Brown to personally award the 2014 Prize to Andrew Ainsworth at the AFAANZ conference in Hobart, Tasmania.
SIRCA at AFAANZ 2015: 5-7 July, Hobart, Tasmania
SIRCA are pleased to support the AFAANZ 2015 conference this year with our exhibitor participation, a SIRCA Best Paper Award, and through the AFAANZ/SIRCA Research Grants. If you are in Hobart for this conference, come and see the SIRCA representatives in the exhibitor area to share with us your research outcomes using the SIRCA platform and our unique data offerings. We will be thrilled to learn of your successes.
Please note that the announcement of the winners of the Philip Brown Prize for Best Published Paper in an A* journal from 2014 will take place at the AFAANZ Plenary Session on Tuesday 7 July at 10.30am .
SIRCA Best Paper Award for the University of South Australia 5th Behavioral Finance and Capital Markets Conference: 8-10 September, 2015
The Centre for Applied Financial Studies at the School of Commerce, University of South Australia Business School is inviting finance scholars, practitioners and research students to participate in the specialised fifth conference on Behavioral Finance and Capital Markets. The conference will be held at the National Wine Centre of Australia, Adelaide on 8 – 9 September 2015.
Distinguished scholars Terrence (Terry) Hendershott, a Professor in Finance & Operations and Information Technology Management – a Cheryl and Christian Valentine Chair (Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley) and Professor Henk Berkman, Professor in Finance (University of Auckland), will deliver two intriguing keynote addresses on the topic.
SIRCA are sponsoring a research award for the best paper using SIRCA data.
Please see the instructions for conference paper submission.
SIRCA Young Researcher Workshop 5, 19-20 November 2015: Call for Papers
SIRCA CoreLogic RP Data White Paper
SIRCA are thrilled to announce the release of the CoreLogic RP Data White Paper as authored by Dr. Danika Wright, University of Sydney. The paper titled; “50 Years of Residential Real Estate Research: Where have we come and where are we going?”, is now available for reading within the SIRCA portal.
SIRCA congratulates Dr. Wright on this paper which highlights the use of the real estate data as provided by CoreLogic to our SIRCA Members. We are proud to be able to supply our Members with the CoreLogic data and excited that our partnership has grown to such strengths in a short space of time. CoreLogic are highly supportive of our academic community and have announced an Award of Excellence for the best academic submission received over the calendar year as judged by the SIRCA/CoreLogic research committee. Further details to follow.
SIRCA White Paper Using CoreLogic RP Data
SIRCA are proud to be releasing a White Paper titled “50 Years of Residential Real Estate Research: Where have we come and where are we going?” authored by Dr. Danika Wright (University of Sydney). This White Paper highlights the use of the CoreLogic RP Data files which are available to our Members through our partnership with CoreLogic.
SIRCA and CoreLogic will be hosting a release event to mark the occasion at the CoreLogic offices in Sydney on Thursday 18 June 2015 at 4pm.
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact SIRCA through
SIRCA Training in New Zealand June 10-12, 2015
SIRCA will be holding training sessions at the Auckland University of Technology, the University of Auckland, Massey University and Victoria University of Wellington over June 10-12, 2015.
Please contact your University SIRCA Representative or email for more details.
SIRCA Members using TRTH data via a Chrome browser
Please note that as of April 2015, Chrome disabled support for various plugins including Java. While a workaround is in place currently, from September 2015 Java will no longer work in the Chrome browser.
SIRCA Members who use Chrome to access the Tick History GUI can take steps to enable the Java plugin through the following method:
In Chrome, access this url: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi Click “enable” under “Enable NPAPI”.
Please take note that after September 2015 the above workaround will no longer function and SIRCA Members will need to use Firefox, Safari or IE to access Tick History.
Call for Papers: Submission Deadline Wednesday 10 June 2015
SIRCA proudly sponsors the Philip Brown Prize to recognise the significant contribution of Philip Brown in the establishment of SIRCA and the work he did in developing databases used for finance and accounting research. The Philip Brown Prize award recognises the best published paper from an A* journal in the previous calendar year using SIRCA data and is awarded through recommendation from senior scholars around Australia and New Zealand. This year the winner of the Philip Brown Prize for 2014 will be announced at Accounting & Finance Association of Australia & New Zealand (AFAANZ) July 5-7 in Hobart, Tasmania.
SIRCA requires submissions to include a full PDF version of the paper that provides details of the journal in which the paper was published. We are seeking papers of excellent quality to be submitted for this award. The winner will be determined by the best paper published with an A (or above) ranking journal.
Please submit papers to by Wednesday 10 June 2015 to be considered for the 2014 Philip Brown Prize.
Philip Brown Prize Call for Papers 2014