Sirca’s Australian members are able to request access to AusEquities a database of ASX quote and trade data dating back to the beginnings of the electronic market in Australia in 1987. The data is delivered in as raw a format as possible including the Qualifier codes which sometimes are assigned to trade and quote data via the central host.
We are often asked what the Qualifiers mean. The AusEquities help files give a pretty good overview of these, but here is a list of the ITS flags which appear as Qualifiers since their introduction in September 2006 (for Qualifiers prior to this date see the product help files, or get in touch with us):
AK: All or Nothing
AC: Auction Trade
BB: Bulletin Board
BP: Booking Purpose Crossing Reporting
CT: Combination Trade
DR: Direct Reporting
EP: Exercised Put
EQ: Equity/Option Combination
ET: Special Crossing ETF
FK: Fill and Kill (fill as much as possible and cancel the balance)
GL: Government Loan Reporting
IB: Index Replicating Special Crossing
LN: Loan Reporting
LT: Late Trade
MK: Market Price Order
ML: Market-to-Limit Order
OD: Odd-lot Order
OS: Overseas Trade
SP: Special Crossing
SX: Portfolio Special Crossing
TM: Tailor-made Combination
UV: Undisclosed Volume
WH: Wholesale Interest Rate Reporting
XT: Crossing Trade